oa Hoe gezondheidsbeleid de toewijding van werknemers beïnvloedt
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 22, Issue 4, Dec 2009,
How health policy influences the dedication of employees
J.F. Ybema & M. Bakhuys Roozeboom, Gedrag & Organisatie, volume 22, November 2009, nr. 4, pp. 354-370.
A longitudinal study with three yearly waves of data collection among 1.013 employees was used to examine whether employers' health policy improved dedication of employees. Furthermore, it was examined whether health policy improved autonomy, social support (from supervisor, from colleagues), and organizational justice (procedural, distributive), and whether health policy affects dedication through these job resources. The results showed that health policy at T1 contributed to higher dedication at T3, corrected for dedication at T1. Moreover, health policy did not improve autonomy, but it led to more social support from supervisor and colleagues and to more procedural and distributive justice at T2, corrected for these job resources at T1. The effects of health policy on dedication were partly mediated by more social support from the supervisor and by higher procedural justice. This means that employers should invest in health policy to improve the job resources and dedication of employees.