oa Herstelmogelijkheden en gezondheid in het werk
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 23, Issue 4, Dec 2010,
Recovery opportunities and health at work
Marc J.P.M. van Veldhoven & Judith K. Sluiter, Gedrag & Organisatie, volume 23, December 2010, nr. 4, pp. 275-295.
Recovery opportunities allow employees to recuperate from work and diminish load effects. We validate a scale for measuring recovery opportunities in relation to health at work, and show that it is different from job control.
Cross-sectional data from three Dutch worker samples, which differ in amount of heterogeneity, were used with response rates over 60%. Internal consistency of the scale is good. Recovery opportunities can be discriminated from job control (decision latitude). Recovery opportunities show significant relations with work-related fatigue (need for recovery), sleep complaints, and health complaints, but not with future absenteeism. The recovery opportunities scale has good reliability and shows good construct- and criterion-related validity. It is concluded that the scale is adequate for measuring recovery opportunities, and the implications of this finding for research and practice are discussed.