oa Een kritische kijk op onderzoeks- en publicatieontwikkelingen in de Arbeids- en Organisatiepsychologie
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 25, Issue 3, Sep 2012,
A critical review of research and publication trends in the field of Industrial and Organizational psychology
A critical review of research and publication trends in the field of Industrial and Organizational psychology
The aim of this article consists of critically reviewing research and publication trends in the field of industrial and organizational psychology. The focus is on four trends: (1) the extreme importance of theory, (2) the loss of the identity of industrial and organizational psychology, (3) the cumbersome nature of the review process, and (4) the deficient reporting of methodology and results in light of replication research. After each trend recommendations are made to turn the situation around. We also hope that this article might generate the necessary discussion about these four trends.
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