oa The Interrelation of Flight Operation Safety with Occupational Safety and Health Within an Aviation Organization
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: AUP Advances, Volume 1, Issue 1, May 2018, p. 130 - 141
- 01 May 2018
Since the very early days of aviation, both civil and military, safety is considered of high importance. Flight Operation Safety (FOS) constitutes a core business element of success and brand recognition for Aviation Organizations (AO). The last decades another aspect of safety, that of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), has been incorporated in the business context, thus in AO’s. Numerous studies demonstrate OSH as a factor related to positive business performance. The objective of this study was to illustrate, in the operational level of an AO, the importance and interrelation of FOS and OSH institutions along with identifying any potential confusion between them. The study was part of a larger OSH research design performed in the specific AO. The study was conducted via a printed questionnaire distributed to all the AO’s respective departments. An open-ended questionnaire comprised of five questions was distributed to all the AO’s population. The returned questionnaires represented the 8% of the AO’s total population. After a non-parametric check, FOS and OSH were found to interrelate with each other significantly. An interesting finding was that half of the knowledge of each context is mutually exclusive from the other. In that regard, OSH related knowledge was related to working experience. The categorisation of reported themes referring to unsafe acts-incidents-accidents amongst FOS and OSH is confusing according to participants. Confusion between FOS and OSH was found statistically independent with working experience, which was an unexpected result. Concluding, safety, was found to be essential for the examined AO, with significantly less knowledge existence about OSH. The resulted confusion between FOS and OSH in the AO highlights an important issue that should be further examined via focused research.