Volume 42, Issue 91
  • ISSN: 0923-7771
  • E-ISSN: 2665-9492



Albert Einstein (1879-1955) was a left wing public intellectual, who was involved in societal issues, especially questions of peace and war. Adhering a pacifist view, he supported refusal of military service from the midst of the twentieth century. The pacifist peace movement welcomed the views of this famous scientist. This article describes and analyses the reception of Einstein within the Dutch Christian-pacifist organization Church and Peace (Kerk en Vrede). First, attention is given to Einstein’s views and actions regarding refusal of military service, as can be found in the periodical . Secondly, the contacts will be described between the secretary of Church and Peace, Rev. J.B.Th. Hugenholtz, and Einstein. Hugenholtz wanted his support to realize a ‘Peace House’ of pacifist organizations in The Hague. Einstein reacted positively on this request. However, after Hitler came to power in January 1933 Einstein changed his mind. He did not support refusal of military service any longer. This led to a rupture between Einstein and the pacifist peace organizations. Within Church and Peace especially chairman G.J. Heering criticized him sharply. Here the roads parted in a fundamental way.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): Albert Einstein; Christian-pacifism; G.J. Heering; J.B.Th. Hugenholtz; Kerk en Vrede
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