Volume 30, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 0779-7397
  • E-ISSN:



In 2045, the world will look very different. Although we cannot predict this future, we can shape it. The question is how to prepare today for higher arts education in the future. How can we imagine multiple futures and reflect on how higher arts education will deal with complexities and uncertainties? Can we map these [un]known futures? And what knowledge, structures, or policies do we need to create a sustainable and desirable future for students and staff in higher arts education institutions in 2045? These questions are the starting point for the Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance FAST45 (Futures Art School Trends 2045). This article gives a concise overview of the project’s objectives and anticipated outcomes. The text concludes with four future scenarios for higher arts education and an invitation for the multiplier event FAST45 Futures [Un]known.


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