Volume 75, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 0165-2346
  • E-ISSN: 2773-1847


Blaise Pascal’s ideas can be used as a constructive contributions to current day academic theology on at least three major theme’s. The first is the debate about epistemology and ‘spiritual intelligence’, to justify the place of theology at the (postmodern) university. Pascals will-centered antropology helps to underline the unity of human knowledge which is partly also found in approaches like Michiel Bouman’s. The second theme is the contribution of theology to the broader academic debate. Pascal’s use of ‘mystery’ in relation to the discussion about ‘nature’, has a parallel in ethicist Petruschka Schaafsma’s use of it, who seeks to deepen the understanding of social tensions and the academic debate about these tensions. The third theme is the human self and its role in research as problematized in the work of e.g. Bruno Latour. Pascal already was aware of the problematic position of the (early) modern self.


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