Volume 75, Issue 4
  • ISSN: 0165-2346
  • E-ISSN: 2773-1847


This response to the statement ‘Tot heil van heel de werkelijkheid’ questions the use of ‘sacramentality’ as key and criterium for the ecclesiology. It presents Healy's analysis of modern ecclesiology as an alternative approach, raising three questions: Firstly, can the sacramental concept really function as a heuristic model to better understand the theological meaning of the church, or is the concept too slippery for that? Secondly, to what extent are the contextual considerations of ‘Tot heil van heel de werkelijkheid’ explicit enough? What kind of ‘diagnosis’ is being made of today's church, and does this contribution provide a resolution to that? Thirdly, wouldn’t theology today do well to distinguish more explicitly the church here on earth and the triumphant church in heaven? The church on earth has not yet reached her goal: She is a pilgrim here on earth, , and needs to get her feet dirty. For an ecclesiology to be helpful in that journey, it must not start too abstractly but, above all, think through the concrete reality.


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