oa Het selectieve geheugen van de vader des vaderlands 44-43 v.Chr. in de Res Gestae
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Lampas, Volume 52, Issue 3, Sep 2019, p. 349 - 376
The present article compares Augustus’ portrayal of the beginning of his political career, in Res Gestae 1-2, with what is otherwise known of the events mentioned or suppressed by the princeps in these chapters. He rewrote the story of his remarkable political acrobatics in 44-43 BCE so as to fit in with the ideology of the principate: a leadership embedded in constitutional legality and based on a consensus rooted in recognition of his extraordinary merits as alleged saviour of the res publica. In turning history into ideology, he profited in no small measure from the support he had received from Cicero during the earliest stage of his career.
© Jaap-Jan Flinterman