oa Achter de schermen van de festivalwereld
De verenigingen van atleten en artiesten in de Keizertijd
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Lampas, Volume 53, Issue 3, Oct 2020, p. 342 - 359
This paper discusses the two ‘international’ or ecumenical associations of athletes and artists in the Roman empire, the so-called xystic and thymelic synods. These associations played a key role in the world of Greek competitive festivals (agones). They not only provided practical assistance to their members and protected their professional and economic interests, they also contributed to the organisation of the competitions and supported the central authorities in keeping up an official festival calendar. Hence, they were not merely a side effect of the expansion of Greek festivals across the Roman empire, they were an important factor in making this expansion possible.
© Bram Fauconnier