Volume 55, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 0165-8204
  • E-ISSN: 2667-1573



A central topic of discussion in second language acquisition research is the question whether new vocabulary should be presented to pupils by means of vocabulary lists or in phrases (context). This question is not raised as often by teachers of Latin and it is therefore unsurprising that vocabulary lists have dominated Latin text books in the Netherlands for decades. This article concentrates on the effects of presenting Latin vocabulary in context. It investigates which learning strategies pupils use if vocabulary is presented in context, and the relationship between these strategies and memorisation. For this purpose, three pupils are involved in a think-aloud protocol while learning Latin vocabulary in context. The analysis shows that the pupils seldom attempt to translate the phrases, presumably because of the complex grammar, but tend to fall back on familiar, common strategies such as repetition, to memorise new words. Therefore, the author advises future writers of text books who consider to present vocabulary in context, to develop exercises that explicitly stimulate pupils to translate the context as a strategy to discover the meaning of new words.


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