Volume 56, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 0165-8204
  • E-ISSN: 2667-1573



The Acropolis of Athens enjoys a very wide popularity among scholars and the general public. Our understanding of the site depends on the application of names transmitted in ancient texts to extant structures. However, this is a difficult undertaking and the current interpretations of the topography of the Acropolis are beset with problems. The present article is a succinct rendering of two earlier articles in which the author challenges the conventional identifications of two buildings mentioned in ancient texts: a treasury called Parthenōn (normally identified with a part of the Great Temple of Athena) and a sanctuary called Erechtheion (normally identified with all or part of the Karyatid Temple). Whereas these buildings are normally discussed separately, they are here studied together for the first time. The author proposes to identify the Parthenōn treasury with the west part of the Karyatid Temple (conventionally known as the Erechtheion) on the north side of the Acropolis, in which the (Ancient) Temple of Athena Polias was also located. An alternative name for the Parthenōn treasury may have been Temple of Pandrosos. In turn, the Erechtheion was possibly located on the foundation in the middle of the Acropolis discovered by Wilhelm Dörpfeld in 1885. It may have been known in inscriptions as the Kekropion.


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