Volume 57, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 0165-8204
  • E-ISSN: 2667-1573



This article focuses on interdisciplinarity in Dutch gymnasia. Even though interdisciplinary education knows many advantages and is a shared ambition among many teachers, it is not a prominent feature of school curricula in the Netherlands. Which problems do gymnasium teachers experience when developing interdisciplinary education at their schools? What are features of ‘best practices’? And what do teachers need in order to improve interdisciplinary education? To answer these questions two methods were used, namely a questionnaire and a focus group. The results show that teachers are mainly in need of development time, good conditions (roster, rooms), shared interest among colleagues, a clear vision from school management, and ways to embed interdisciplinarity in the curriculum. Analysis of best practices and prior research indicate that this embedment can be achieved if teachers gain better knowledge of each other’s school subjects. In this way, existing subject specific curricula can be used as a starting point for interdisciplinary education, rather than developing something ‘completely new’ on top of existing curricula. This approach is in line with an important aspect of successful implementation of (educational) innovations: the ‘new’ interdisciplinary education is connected in a meaningful and acceptable way to the ‘familiar’ subject specific curricula.


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