Volume 57, Issue 4
  • ISSN: 0165-8204
  • E-ISSN: 2667-1573



This paper explores the opportunities for opening up the canon of Latin texts being read at Flemish secondary schools that lie in the new set of learning objectives for classical languages formulated by the Flemish government and in force since September 2023. These no longer restrict the teaching of the classical languages to texts from the Classical period. This decision addresses the ideological foundations of the teaching of Latin. At the same time, it opens up new horizons. One is to approach Latin as the language of a diverse and ever-changing Europe. Abandoning the traditional school canon is an important first step. This can be complemented by pursuing a set of key competences in line with the EU’s pedagogical project to shape European citizenship. The long and varied Latin tradition within Europe allows us to explore the tension between polycentric regionalism and the dream of universality. Reading texts from later periods also creates opportunities for an emancipating dynamic, for differentiation and openness, of which we can make excellent use within a modern and diverse school context. Latin can then be defined as the language in between: between local and universal, between past and present, between Europe and world, the language of transfer, encounter and conflict.


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