Volume 42, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 2542-6583
  • E-ISSN: 2590-3268



In contrast to the opinion expressed in Volume III.1 of (he revised Schürer (Edinburgh 1986. p. 493) it is argued on the basis of recent publications that Symmachus was not an Ebionite Christian, but a Jewish translator, even ‘the translator of the Jews’ (Origen), who wrote his translation about the year 200 A.D. (part 1 of the article). Further, two recent major studies on the style of the translation of Symmachus are introduced, written by Spanish scholars, by J.R. Busto SaIZ (1978) and by J. González Luis (1981) respectively (part II.1), and examples of cxegetical renderings in the translation are given (part II.2). In part III other aspects of Symmachus-research are mentioned, but only the question of the locale of the translation is discussed in some detail. Galilee turns out to be the most probable place of origin. In the end it is stated that the revised Schürer needs some revision: Symmachus. ‘the translator of the Jews’, should not be left out, but deserves a place beside Aquila and Thcodotion.


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