Volume 42, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 2542-6583
  • E-ISSN: 2590-3268



This article takes into consideration the dilemma that Isas arisen in modem debate concerning the scientific status of theology. Sofar, it has been argued that theology can either be defined in a classical sense, as a science of God (dogmatics), or, in a modern sense, as a cultural science of ‘God’ and religion. However, both conceptions seem not to be able to account for the legitimation of the existence of centers of independent theological research (§1). In order to escape this impasse, the present article tries to spell out a third path for theology. After giving an historical overview of the interplay of theology and philosophy (§2), the question is raised what it would mean to ascribe to theology the predicate ‘unscientific rationality’ and to give her a hermeneutical task as the representative of the lost totality In modern culture and as an interpreter of specific scientific results in everyday life. To sustain this thesis the theory of rationality of Habermas is taken into consideration (§3). But this does not exclude some critical questions, which have been inspired by the sceptical and deconstructive philosophy (§4).


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