oa Johannes XXII en het conflict over de visio beatifica
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 44, Issue 3, Jul 1990, p. 208 - 222
- 01 Jul 1990
The article discusses the theological context of the discussion started by John XXII in 1331 about the question whether the souls of the saints in heaven are directly admitted to the beatific vision of God or not. It must be noted that John’s opinion in this matter was less extreme than many scholars sofar presumed. It was John’s sincere intention to make a papal decision on this matter, and there is strong evidence that only death (1334) prevented him from doing so. The conflict about the beatific vision clearly shows John’s urge to interfere in theological matters. He failed, however, to establish unity between the various theological opinions, and his legalistic approach may have provoked many theologians to fierce reactions against the papal opinion.