oa Schrift en rede, of: Over een vermeende tegenstelling tussen Spinoza en Meyer
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 44, Issue 3, Jul 1990, p. 223 - 241
- 01 Jul 1990
Traditionally Spinoza scholars accept a disagreement between Spinoza’s hermeneutics, proposed, demonstrated and exercised in his TTP (1670) and, on the other hand, the exegetical method, as it was explained and practised by his friend and pupil, Lodewijk Meyer in his Philosophia Sanctae Scripturae Interpres (1666). This opinion, so it is claimed, originates from a misreading of a passage in Spinoza’s letter XLIII as a consequence of a wrong exposition of Spinoza’s point of view by L. van Velthuysen, and, secondly, from an epistemological misunderstanding of the relationship reason-experience, applied to reason-texts. The upshot of the article is a revaluation of Meyer’s work in the context of the history of Spinozism.
© W.N.A. Klever