oa Bekeringsverhalen van vrouwen uit de charismatischevangelische beweging Een psychologische benadering
1Dit artikel is een bewerking van het op 29 augustus 1997 te Amsterdam gehouden openbaar college ter gelegenheid van de opening van het academisch jaar 1997-1998 aan de Theologische Faculteit van de Universiteit van Amsterdam.
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 52, Issue 4, Oct 1998, p. 298 - 311
- 01 Oct 1998
This article gives an example of a narrative approach to the study of conversion. Within a narrative psychology of religion, conversion can be understood as a self-narrative that is told as a coherent life story by adopting the communicative model of the ritual of conversion. According to Stromberg (1993), the conversion story allows the converts a kind of self-transformation by reframing their conflicts in the terms of a certain religious language. By analysing self-narratives of women who joined a charismatic women’s group (AGLOW), examples of the religious structure of a life story and of the possibilities of self-transformation are given.