oa Jacques Derrida en de messianiteit
1Dit artikel is een bewerkte versie van een lezing gehouden voor de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Godsdienstwijsbegeerte.
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 52, Issue 4, Oct 1998, p. 283 - 297
- 01 Oct 1998
The first aim of this article is to present the systematic scheme to be found in Derrida’s more recent work. Second it is shown that Derrida’s position is rather traditional, and not at all to be qualified as ‘nihilism’, or as ‘of no relevance to ethics’. Third a problem is raised concerning Derrida’s ‘universalism’. It is shown that his position is not altogether consistent on this point. The article concludes with an argument for some kind of religious ‘particularism’, implying that the ‘historical revelations’ Derrida tends to discard from the philosophical scene get, as such, philosophical importance.
© Victor Kal