oa De spanning tussen voorstelling en begrip als uitdaging voor de godsdienstfilosofie
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 53, Issue 3, Jul 1999, p. 226 - 242
- 01 Jul 1999
The author provides an analysis of the shifts in Hegel’s conception of the relationship between religious representation and philosophical concept in his early work. The leading question is why Hegel changed his attitude on the issue whether philosophy is capable of conceptually thinking the content of religious representation, God or the Absolute. The author argues that his interpretation of modern culture played an important role in this. As a conclusion, he tries to show that the result of this analysis is not only of historical importance, but also implies the necessity of a metaphysical (conceptual) approach of religious representations in contemporary philosophy of religion.
© Peter Jonkers