oa God opnieuw denken? Een andere weg naar de Godsleer
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 55, Issue 3, Jul 2001, p. 196 - 212
- 01 Jul 2001
In this article the room is explored to integrate into systematic theology the recent research on the fields of archaeology of ancient Palestine and of Israelite history of religion. Inscriptions presenting ‘Jahweh and his asjera’ as well as the openness for a form of syncretism in Canaan both question the history of Israel as it has been seen by Von Rad c.s in the antithetic way. From a canonical perspective many god(des)s-images rightly have been broken. What, however, when we read the texts anew, trying to unfreeze the frozen dialogue? Perhaps the flinders of the old images can break our new ones.
© Kune Biezeveld