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- Volume 55, Issue 3, 2001
NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion - Volume 55, Issue 3, 2001
Volume 55, Issue 3, 2001
Ervaring, Schrift en Traditie in Paulus’ brieven Kritische noten bij een stelling van E.P. Sanders
By S. JanseAbstractE.P. Sanders is correct in pointing to christology as the centre of Paul’s theology, but he goes too far in arguing that for him sin was a conclusion from his soteriology, without an analysis of the human condition. From Romans 7 and 8 and Phil.3:5-6 it is proved that the experience of human shortcomings is important in Paul’s theology, as is also apparent from its apocalyptic character. An extra argument arises from Paul’s use of the Old Testament: the accent on the sin and forlornness of men and on the grace of God does not depend on logic, but stands in the tradition of the exilic prophets, who spoke of a new beginning, given by God.
God opnieuw denken? Een andere weg naar de Godsleer
More LessAbstractIn this article the room is explored to integrate into systematic theology the recent research on the fields of archaeology of ancient Palestine and of Israelite history of religion. Inscriptions presenting ‘Jahweh and his asjera’ as well as the openness for a form of syncretism in Canaan both question the history of Israel as it has been seen by Von Rad c.s in the antithetic way. From a canonical perspective many god(des)s-images rightly have been broken. What, however, when we read the texts anew, trying to unfreeze the frozen dialogue? Perhaps the flinders of the old images can break our new ones.
Plurale tantum Het postmoderne subject in humanistisch perspectief
*Dit artikel vormt een licht bewerkte versie van een lezing uitgesproken op 19 oktober 2000 in het Academiegebouw te Utrecht ter ere van het 26e lustrum van het Theologisch-Litterarisch Studentengezelschap Excelsior Deo Iuvante. Ik dank dit eerbiedwaardige gezelschap voor deze uitnodiging en in het bijzonder Coen Constandse voor de stimulerende voorbereidende en afrondende gesprekken.
By H. KunnemanAbstractThis paper argues that contemporary theology should try to benefit from the insights embodied in postmodern thought to keep in touch with the realities of the postmodern situation. It starts with an an critical analysis of an article from the Kampen theologian F. de Lange, centered around the Trinitas Dei and argues that de Lange forgoes both the inner conflictuality of the person and the ethical and political dimension constitutive for postmodern thinkers such as Lyotard, Foucault and Irigaray. The different religions offer valuable vocabularies and insights that could feed the moral and ethical reflection of postmodern individuals. However, new embedments for this reflection have to be developed, situated within the institutions and organizations of postmodern, multi-cultural consumer-society.
Nieuwe Woorden voor een Oude Traditie? De vernieuwende kracht van Dingemans’ pneumatheologie onderzocht
Authors: H.A.H. Maat, A.C. Meesters & T.A. SmedesAbstractIn his latest book De Stem van de Roepende, Dr G.D.J. Dingemans has constructed a new proposal for a theological system which focuses on the activity of the Pneuma. Dingemans sees the Pneuma active on three levels: salvation history, cultures and religions, and creation. In this article the proposed activity of the Pneuma on the different levels is critically examined. It is concluded that Dingemans’ proposal is not as innovative as it claims to be. It does not succeed in overcoming classical theological notions and their problems. As an alternative we propose a postfoundationalist approach.
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