oa Nieuwe Woorden voor een Oude Traditie? De vernieuwende kracht van Dingemans’ pneumatheologie onderzocht
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 55, Issue 3, Jul 2001, p. 233 - 247
- 01 Jul 2001
In his latest book De Stem van de Roepende, Dr G.D.J. Dingemans has constructed a new proposal for a theological system which focuses on the activity of the Pneuma. Dingemans sees the Pneuma active on three levels: salvation history, cultures and religions, and creation. In this article the proposed activity of the Pneuma on the different levels is critically examined. It is concluded that Dingemans’ proposal is not as innovative as it claims to be. It does not succeed in overcoming classical theological notions and their problems. As an alternative we propose a postfoundationalist approach.
© H.A.H. Maat, A.C. Meesters & T.A. Smedes