Reconstructie van de geschiedenis van Israël De casus van de ‘High or Low Chronology’ in de vroege koningstijd1Lezing voor het Oudtestamentisch Werkgezelschap in Nederland en België op 30-1-2004 in Apeldoorn. In een duo-lezing ging dr. G.van der Kooij op de archeologische aspecten in. Hier staan de vragen rondom de verhouding tussen tekstuele en archeologische bronnen centraal. De stijl van de oorspronkelijke lezing is gehandhaafd. | Amsterdam University Press Journals Online
Volume 58, Issue 4
  • ISSN: 2542-6583
  • E-ISSN: 2590-3268



In this essay the author deals with the high or low chronology debate of the Iron Age IIA in Ancient Israel. Israel Finkelstein dated Stratum VA-IVB at Megiddo to the ninth century B.C.E. with far reaching consequences for the historical, cultural and political processes during the first centuries of the monarchy. Not the House of David (Solomon), but the Omrides are the builders of the monumental structures in Megiddo. The whole debate is reviewed from the methodological point of view. The relationship between archaeological data and the biblical record is discussed as well as the hermeneutical problem of historical reconstruction between ‘Biblical’ and ‘Ancient’ Israel.


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