oa [De Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling en de schriftlezing: Een kleine praktisch-theologische evaluatie, The New Bible Translation and Scripture Reading: A Brief Practicaltheological Evaluation]
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 59, Issue 4, Oct 2005, p. 312 - 328
In this article, the author focuses on the phenomenon of scripture reading in relationship to the new translation of the Bible. How do the listeners in protestant services respond to the new translation? Can we discover a ‘conservative impulse’, a reserved attitude towards new words and expressions or are the listeners relieved that a new translation has replaced the translation of 1951? First, the author discusses the meaning of liturgy and the influence of a church service upon the participants. Then he analyses the distinct meaning of scripture reading. He asks for the criteria to be applied to a translation that aims at being read aloud. Finally, the results are presented of a limited empirical, quantitative and cross-sectional survey. One of the main results is that the new translation meets the criteria well. Another result is that a considerable number of listeners evaluate the comprehensibility of the translation positively, while they simultaneously regret the loss of well-known and cherished words.