oa [Over Arkandisziplin bij Bonhoeffer, About Bonhoeffer's Notion of Arkandisziplin]
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 62, Issue 3, Aug 2008, p. 210 - 224
This article has a two fold purpose. First of all, it explores Bonhoeffer’s usage of the term Arkandisziplin. Secondly, it outlines his conviction that church and belief should be directed to the world. The article describes Bonhoeffer’s writings on the subject and attempts to understand his line of thought. As an interlude, attention is granted to his distinction between the ultimate and the penultimate, because this distinction is of crucial importance to the term Arkandisziplin. Finally, the article poses the question how Arkandisziplin could benefit the relationship between the church and the world and how the church interacts with the world.
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