oa [Intensieve Geneeskunde – therapeutisch beleid of therapeutische hardnekkigheid?, Intensive Care - The Need for a Golden mean between Therapeutic Policies and Therapeutic Obstinacy]
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 63, Issue 2, Jan 2009, p. 131 - 142
These days people, both men and women, are growing older. Due to a wide variety of factors, such as medical cure, care and comfort life expectancy has risen. As a consequence, human beings are intent upon ameliorating the quality of their life. That is why they turn to the medical agencies. To the rising expectations physicians, nurses, etc. respond in two ways. On the one hand they develop therapeutic policies carefully and on the other they limit obstinate therapies, while promoting a smooth professional equilibrium, particularly in the field of intensive care. However, first of all they should deal with their patients as a goal and not as a means.
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