oa [The Manual Christelijke Dogmatiek as a Textbook for Dogmatics, Het handboek Christelijke dogmatiek als dogmatisch leerboek]
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, Volume 67, Issue 3, Aug 2013, p. 171 - 186
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In a recent course in dogmatics the new manual Christelijke Dogmatiek, by G. van den Brink and C. van der Kooi, was used in addition to its older counterpart by H. Berkhof. Its use in teaching and students’ response to it are reported in this article. The Trinitarian structure of the Christelijke Dogmatiek, the doctrine of Scripture and the relation between faith and the scientific worldview are evaluated. The manual is judged to be a helpful tool in teaching dogmatics, preferably to be used in connection with Berkhof or other literature.
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