Volume 28, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 0929-8592
  • E-ISSN: 2667-1689



In recent years, the dissemination of medieval-inspired French texts through the printing press has received renewed attention from the scientific community. This research has shown, , that the Gutenberg revolution, although considered to be one of the thresholds of modernity, did not sound the death knell for the Middle Ages. On the contrary, the medieval legacy found an opportunity to perpetuate itself for several decades through this new medium. My own work in this field has made it possible to point out that the caesura of the years 1530-1540, often put forward as a moment of rupture with the literary tradition of the Middle Ages, was not as abrupt as some might have thought, at least in Hainaut.

In the case of the former Low Countries, many areas still remain unexplored. This is notably the case for the production of medieval romances in French during the second half of the sixteenth century, which I propose to examine. This particular period is all the more interesting to study because it lies between the supposed rupture with the medieval literary tradition of the mid-16th century and the renewal brought about by the 17th-century publishing phenomenon known as the ‘Bibliothèque bleue’. An analysis of the titles printed between 1550 and 1600 and their peritexts, as well as the material examination of these editions, will contribute to a better understanding of this complex publishing phenomenon, navigating between ‘old romances’ and ‘new language’.


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