

Is sociology ready for media society? A quick survey of recent sociology journals shows that as far as sociologists are concerned, social life is not very different from how it was in the 1980s: primarily based on face-to-face interactions, written communication, print media and an incidental phone call. The essay then presents a ‘bare bones’ version of sociology to show how the recent processes of accelerated mediatisation affects the basic ingredients of sociological analysis – interaction, culture and social structure – as well as the relation between these ingredients. It ends with an invitation to sociologists. For each study you do: ask yourself could this be done with the same methods or concepts in 1975? If so, consider adapting your design or conceptual framework to incorporate at least some elements related to the recent wave of mediatisation.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): media; mediatisering; micro en macro; sociologie; sociologische tijdschriften
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