oa Cultureel en religieus erfgoed van moslims
Een verkennend overzicht van een aantal erfgoedinitiatieven in Vlaanderen
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Trajecta, Volume 28, Issue 1, May 2019, p. 97 - 116
- 01 May 2019
In recent years, Islamic religious and cultural heritage has enjoyed growing interest in the heritage sector and academia. The attention to this specific heritage can be related to a broader attention to religious heritage and to the theme of migration, both at national and international level. It has often been argued that this heritage has the potential of increasing the social participation of migrants or can serve as an acknowledgment of their presence in society. In our neighboring countries, various heritage projects were initiated in the past, highlighting the migration history of various population groups. In this article, a number of heritage projects concerning the cultural and religious heritage of Muslims in Flanders are discussed against the background of demographic developments and heritage policy, and are framed within a broader international context.