oa Gefnuikte heilsverwachting
Opkomst en neergang van de beweging Christenen voor het Socialisme in Nederland
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Trajecta, Volume 30, Issue 2, Oct 2021, p. 343 - 367
- 01 Oct 2021
The movement of Christenen voor het Socialisme (CvS, Christians for Socialism) existed in the Netherlands from 1974 to 1993. It was the radical variant of the renewal movement of the sixties that came about when churches and confessional political parties began to emphasize the need for radical social and political commitment within the Christian faith. CvS strived for a new contemporary identity by uniting Christianity and Marxism, two forces hitherto considered incompatible. CvS was part of an international movement that reflected the polarized political and social situation especially in South America, where the mix of Christianity and Marxism was known as “Liberation Theology” and in Europe perennially threatened by the Cold War. This article investigates the rise of CvS as a fundamentalist movement and explores its development towards a differentiated progressive mentality group. In the end, CvS did not survive. Its decline is described and interpreted against the backdrop of a changing political and religious environment.