Volume 24, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1388-3186
  • E-ISSN: 2352-2437



Economic abuse (EA) is a type of intimate partner violence and abuse (IPVA) that is understudied and not always recognised as a distinct form of IPVA. EA receives relatively little attention but occurs frequently and prevents people from leaving a violent relationship. Therefore, we investigate EA amongst our study populations of women who experience(d) IPVA, in order to contribute to this new field of research.

A mixed methods approach involving quantitative (N=210) and qualitative (N=12) data is used to investigate the prevalence and appearances of EA and links with other forms of IPVA, educational level, income level, etc.

42.9% reported EA and the outcomes showed significant relationships between EA, psychological abuse, income level, and contribution to household income. Participants discussed various forms of EA and its impact on their economic independence and well-being.

EA is probably even more prevalent than we found in this study and more research is needed to gain insight on the prevalence, forms, and impact of EA as a silent but distinct form of IPVA. EA must be taken into account when working with IPVA survivors in order to support them in building their (economic) indepence.


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