Volume 24, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1388-3186
  • E-ISSN: 2352-2437



: In the 1970s, domestic violence was put on the political agenda as a societal problem. Since then, research exploring the dynamics of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) has multiplied, but the study of sexual violence between partners is still topical. This article examines female victims’ experiences of intimate partner sexual violence (IPSV). : This qualitative study uses a thematic approach to explore how IPV victims perceive sexual violence within their couple. Semi-structured interviews, which include the use of qualitative life calendars, were conducted with 20 women. : The thematic analysis of the 20 interviews highlighted several themes and sub-themes that address (1) sexual violence experienced by victims within the couple, (2) their perception of sexual violence, and (3) the reasons why they submitted to unwanted sex in an abusive relationship. : Experiences of sexual violence are the result of different dynamics; however, IPSV is a form of violence that is still difficult to identify and is more often defined by victims as an impulse or aggression than a rape. Within the couple, the impact of violence, but also the influence of gender stereotypes, affect the perception of violence, assertiveness capacities, and, therefore, the ability to express free consent. Victims submitt to their partner because they are afraid of him; they want to protect themselves or their children; or they do not have the capacity to express their non-consent.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): intimate partner violence; qualitative study; sexual violence; victims
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