Volume 44, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 1573-9775
  • E-ISSN: 2352-1236



In this special ‘Perspective’ issue, I would like to elaborate the consequences of my intercultural vision for the disciplines involved with the development of the domain of intercultural communication, especially the discipline of ‘Taalbeheersing’ as a subdiscipline of Dutch Studies and within the communication sciences – and to initiate a discussion about it. On the one hand, I would like to start the discussion on the role of multilingualism in ‘Taalbeheersing’– a discipline that, in my opinion, is still too focused on Dutch alone; and on the other hand, to advocate for the role of ‘Taalbeheersers’ and communication scientists in order to support the university degree programmes in modern foreign languages because of the declining interest of students.


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