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- Volume 54, Issue 1, 2000
NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion - Volume 54, Issue 1, 2000
Volume 54, Issue 1, 2000
Is de Hebreeuwse Bijbel een Hellenistisch boek?
1Dit artikel is grotendeels gebaseerd op mijn bijdrage aan de discussie over ‘The Hellenistic Period’ tijdens de vierde bijeenkomst van de European Seminar for Historical Methodology in Lahti, Finland, 21 juli 1999. Ik dank in het bijzonder Rainer Albertz (Münster), Hans Barstad (Oslo), Lester Grabbe (Hull) en Timo Veijola (Helsinki) voor hun opmerkingen en suggesties.
By Bob BeckingAbstractRecently, the radical school from Copenhagen has argued for a Hellenistic date of the Hebrew Bible; it can therefore no longer be used as a source for reconstructing the history and religion of Ancient Israel. This view, however, is not convincing. (1) It is based on bibliophobia. (2) It ignores the possibility that texts contain elements from earlier traditions. (3) It blurs the distinction between possible contexts for interpreting texts and the actual context in which these texts were written. (4) It ignores the Yahwistic character of the Hebrew Bible. (5) It overlooks the linguistic argument that Classical Hebrew is already attested in epigraphic texts around 600 BCE. (6) Greek-hellenistic authors writing around 300 BCE already presuppose the existence of, parts of, the Hebrew Bible. (7) The argument that the historical narrative in the Hebrew Bible is patterned after Herodotus’ Historiae is not convincing since the similarities are of too general a character.
The Principal Religions. A Landmark in the Early Study of Religion in the Netherlands
More LessAbstractThis essay looks at a remarkable initiative taken by the publisher A.C. Kruseman in the early 1860s to launch a series called ‘The Principal Religions’. The series is an important landmark of the early study of religion in the Netherlands outside academia. Various contributors showed a new methodological awareness in that they believed that the major religions, including Christianity, were to studied in the same (comparative) way. The making of the series also nicely illustrates the progressing ‘ acadernization’ of the field. Moreover, the project shows the growing interest of an educated public in the scholarly study of religions in the plural.
Messianisme en gebed in de rollen van de Dode Zee Een bespreking
More LessAbstractIn this article six recent major monographs on a wide variety of aspects of messianic expectations and prayer practices in the community of Qumran are discussed. The reviewer emphasizes the importance of these publications for not only Judaic but also New Testament and liturgical studies.
Godsdienstwijsbegeerte op het World Wide Web Een overzicht met het oog op de Nederlandse situatie
1Voorzover wij weten bestaan op dit moment nog geen inleidingen tot de godsdienstwijsbegeerte op het Internet. Er zijn wel inleidingen op wat Internet over filosofie-in-het algemeen te bieden heeft, maar in de voorbereiding van dit overzicht hebben wij daar weinig aan gehad: Daniel J. Kurland & Sean Cearley (eds.), Surf philosophy: Travels on the Internet (Belmont, CA 1997) (een oppervlakkige inleiding die, na een algemene inleiding tot het Internet, de gehele filosofie in 19 pp. behandelt); Paul Tiedemann, Internet für Philosophen: Eine praxisorientierte Einführung (Darmstadt 1997, 21999) (de beste inleiding in boekvorm); Day Alexander (ed.), Philosophy in Cyberspace: A Guide to Philosophy-Related Resources on the Internet (Bowling Green, OH) 1995 (verouderd, maar in een up-to-date versie online beschikbaar; zie de Inleiding beneden).
Authors: Marcel Sarot, Michael Scott & Maarten WisseAbstractIn a survey of the World Wide Web, the authors critically discuss philosophy sites, e-journals, virtual libraries etc. that are relevant to philosophy of religion in the Netherlands. They conclude that the Internet is increasingly becoming a helpful and even indispensable source of information.
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