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- Volume 58, Issue 2, 2004
NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion - Volume 58, Issue 2, 2004
Volume 58, Issue 2, 2004
Vijfentwintig vragen om joden in het nauw te drijven Een Byzantijns anti-joods document uit de zevende eeuw
More LessAbstractA recently discovered Byzantine Greek document presents 25 questions meant to serve Christians as arguments in debates with Jews on the interpretation of the Bible. The document is here translated into Dutch, with an introduction and comments.
Geloven in God of ‘in God’ – een vals dilemma In discussie met de ‘klassieke reformatorische theologie’ van F.G. Immink
More LessAbstractImmink’s work sharply formulates some fundamental questions for practical theology, among which questions in relation to the knowledge of God, especially from the perspective of ‘classical reformation theology’. From this perspective Immink evaluates hermeneutics within practical theology negatively, because it is does not satisfy the epistemological criteria of ‘external realism’. The author counters this criticism from three different issues referring to the interaction between subject and object in knowledge, the criteria of correspondence and coherence of knowledge, and the fallibility in knowledge, and asks the question to what extent ‘classical reformation theology’ is still relevant for churches in modern society.
Geloven: leven in de Godsgemeenschap In gesprek met Johannes van der Ven
More LessAbstractThe priority of God in the encounter between God and the human being does not extinguish our human subjectivity in the act of faith. In the Reformed tradition the divine initiative, as it is expressed in the iustificatio dei, is best understood as a performative act in the human mind that evokes our human awareness of God. Likewise, it is unnecessary to construe a contradiction between human experiences of God and the true God. Under certain conditions human experiences can be such that they unite us with God and consequently reveal the real God.
The Varieties of God Een overzicht van onderzoek naar godsbeelden
More LessAbstractIn this article, an overview is presented of the research about God images which have been done in North America and Western Europe during the last forty years. Both the results and methodological matters come up for discussion. The literature is described in the light of Rizzuto’s object-relational theory about images of God.
De humanisering van de natuur Sergei Boulgakov over de relatie mens-natuur-economie
More Less*Dit artikel is een licht-bewerkte versie van een lezing voor het Christelijke Ecologisch Netwerk, gehouden op de Eemlandhoeve te Bunschoten-Spakenburg op 14 maart 2003. Het CEN is opgericht op 21 juni 2001 en gaat terug op het Christelijk Ecologisch Appèl dat op 9 september 1998 is aangeboden aan minister Pronk van VROM. Bij het CEN zijn een vijftiental organisaties aangesloten, waaronder de SoW-Kerken, de Evangelische Alliantie en de wetenschappelijke instituten van de christelijke politieke partijen. Meer informatie is te vinden in: Zorg duurt het langst. Christenen voor ecologische verantwoording, Amsterdam 2002; voorts op: www.cenet.nl.
AbstractIn this article we introduce and discuss the Russian-Orthodox and Russian religious-philosophical view on the relation between man and nature. There is a special focus on the work of the economist, philosopher and theologian Sergei Bulgakov (1871-1944). It is concluded that Bulgakovs thought can renew and inspire Western theological and philosophical discussions on man’s relation with nature, although his one-sided focus on the ethos of society, does not do justice to the importance of structural reforms of social life.
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