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- Volume 72, Issue 1, 2018
NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion - Volume 72, Issue 1, 2018
Volume 72, Issue 1, 2018
Genade als literair motief in de Confessiones
Authors: Anthony Dupont & Matthias SmalbruggeAbstractThe linguistic turn revealed the hermeneutic interaction between content/ ideas and their literary form/structure. Recently, this insight has been applied to the oeuvre of Augustine of Hippo – his Confessiones in particular, though conclusions in recent research very much differ. This is why, in the current article, we adopt different approaches based on this linguistic turn. Our focus is in particular on the so-called Ostia-ecstasy in Confessiones IX,10,23, a scene in which we try to distinguish more clearly the role of grace. By investigating how literary/philosophical structural elements (for instance, the motive of three gardens, the narrative of separation, the Neoplatonist scheme of ascent of the soul) co-determine Augustine’s (early) reflections about grace, we show that the latter actually escape any attempt to unilaterally interpret them.
Die Suche nach Gottes Spuren in zwei Büchern
More LessAbstractHow to read God’s traces in two books, in creation and the Holy Scripture? In search of a resilient faith the article develops the metaphor of the ‘two scriptures’ (Conf. Belg. § 2) in five steps: The first step are methodological considerations on the metaphor of the ‘book’. The second step points to the plurality within both books. They are both libraries with three departments: Old and New Testament and the history of their reception on the one side, the physical, biological and cultural evolution as some kind of a ‘history of reception’ of our prehistory on the other side. The third step underscores the ambiguity of both books: they can be read in modern times as signs with and without God as author. They are comparable to a ‘tilting picture’ open for two interpretations. The fourth step concerns the reader of the books: He or she is crucial to interpret the two books. We must postulate a sensus divinitatis (J. Calvin inst. I,3,1) with a priori and a posteriori aspects. As a last step there is a statement concerning the message of the two books, how they together may establish resilience. The book of creation is not at all a theologia gloriae as Martin Luther stated in the Heidelberger Disputation 1518, on the contrary, the theologia crucis of the Bible opens our eyes for vicarious suffering in the whole creation, the theologia gloriae of the creation supports the praising of God in the Bible.
Models of Mutual Pastoral Care in the Footsteps of Martin Luther
More LessAbstractIn the last two decades, the significance of the caring community has generally been acknowledged in pastoral theology. This paper discusses mutual pastoral care from the perspective of the priesthood of all believers, according to the views of Luther, Bucer, Spener, and Bonhoeffer. The focus is on what the members of the congregation are supposed to do. The differences between the views yield four different models of mutual pastoral care.
Contextueel Bijbellezen en de Historische Kritiek
By Hans SnoekAbstractIn past decennia, a new approach to reading Bible texts has been developed, called ‘Contextual Biblereading’. This method has attracted worldwide attention, while the ‘Historical Critic’ – long a renowned exegetical method – has been increasingly viewed in a critical light. This article analyses the themes central to ‘Contextual Biblereading’ and assesses in what way the scientific approach of the Historical Criticism has lost influence. Then, by applying ideas of the French philosopher Michel Foucault, the paradigms that have played a role in the recent changes surrounding exegesis and interpretation of the Bible are explored.
Distinction and Disclosure
More LessAbstractThis article discusses the book of Robert Sokolowski, The God of Faith and Reason, as a masterpiece in Fundamental Theology. The book rests on phenomenological insights concerning disclosure or manifestation, and proposes a ‘Christian distinction’ between God and the world. The understanding of God so gained, in which freedom and generosity find first place, provides a deeper understanding of the fundamental connection between all the mysteries of faith, especially the mystery of incarnation, the mystery of graced Christian life, and the mystery of the Eucharist.
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