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- Amsterdam University Press [3] http://purl.org/dc/terms/isPartOf http://instance.metastore.ingenta.com/content/aup
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- Arts and Humanities [1] http://purl.org/dc/terms/subject http://instance.metastore.ingenta.com/content/subjects/arts-humanities
- History [1] http://purl.org/dc/terms/subject http://instance.metastore.ingenta.com/content/subjects/history
- Music [1] http://purl.org/dc/terms/subject http://instance.metastore.ingenta.com/content/subjects/music
- Urban Studies [1] http://purl.org/dc/terms/subject http://instance.metastore.ingenta.com/content/subjects/urban-studies
Journal of Comparative Fascist Studies
Fascism publishes peer-reviewed (double blind) articles in English, mainly but not exclusively by both seasoned researchers and postgraduates, that explore the phenomenon of fascism in a comparative context and focusing on such topics as the uniqueness and generic aspects of fascism, patterns in the causal aspects/genesis of various fascisms in political, economic, social, historical, and psychological factors, their expression in art, culture, ritual and propaganda, elements of continuity between interwar and postwar fascisms, their relationship to national and cultural crisis, revolution, modernity/modernism, political religion, totalitarianism, capitalism, communism, extremism, charismatic dictatorship, patriarchy, terrorism, fundamentalism, and other phenomena related to the rise of political and social extremism.
Filosofie & Praktijk
Filosofie & Praktijk stelt zich ten doel praktische problemen uit het openbare leven, zowel van algemeen maatschappelijke als van politieke aard, te bespreken. Het wil discussies hierover verhelderen door de argumenten en redeneringen te ontleden en te toetsen met behulp van filosofische inzichten en methoden. Het wil dit doen door middel van heldere analyses die voor een breed publiek toegankelijk zijn. Daarmee beoogt het tijdschrift de rationaliteit van de openbare discussie te bevorderen en de mogelijkheid tot een persoonlijke positiekeuze te vergroten.
Redactie: Dr. Vincent Seminck (eindredactie), Prof. dr. Cees Maris, Drs. Frank Rebel, Prof. dr. Jozef Keulartz, Prof. dr. Petran Kockelkoren, Dr. Ton Vink, Dr. Julia Hermann
Met ingang van abonnementsjaar 2025 wordt Forum+ gepubliceerd door Brepols.
FORUM+ is a journal for Research and Arts in Belgium and the Netherlands. The journal explores the latest trends in research in the arts, which is gaining importance in higher arts education in Flanders and the Netherlands. FORUM+ stimulates the dialogue between research in the arts, critical reflection and the social context in which it is established: this way the journal offers a platform for creative approaches and critical reflections on our world. The ‘arts’ are intentionally defined as broad as possible: music, drama, dance as well as the visual arts. The interdisciplinary profile of FORUM+ thus allows for discussions of subject-related issues, but also permits us to reveal the relationships and differences between artistic disciplines. The title of the journal reflects that intention: it aims to be a forum for the exchange of ideas, with a plus!
As from 2024 Forum+ will offer the same quality and number of articles but will only publish 2 print issues.