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- Volume 25, Issue 1, 2012
Gedrag & Organisatie - Volume 25, Issue 1, 2012
Volume 25, Issue 1, 2012
Gedrag & Organisatie in 2012: reflectie en vooruitblik
Het jaar 2012 wordt een feestelijk jaar: Gedrag & Organisatie gaat met dit nummer namelijk haar vijfentwintigste jaargang in. We willen bij deze mijlpaal stilstaan met een speciaal jubileumnummer. Daarin reflecteren prominente onderzoekers op ontwikkelingen in onderzoek en praktijk en signaleren ze nieuwe uitdagingen en mogelijkheden. Het jubileumnummer zal als derde nummer van deze jaargang verschijnen en op grond van de voorproefjes en voorstellen die tot dusver bij de redactie zijn binnengekomen durf ik te zeggen: mis dit nummer niet!
De relatie tussen werkeisen, energiebronnen, spanning en werkplezier: een kwestie van leeftijd?
More LessThe relationship between job demands, job resources, strain, and work enjoyment: a matter of age?The relationship between job demands, job resources, strain, and work enjoyment: a matter of age?
Drawing on the Selection-Optimization-Compensation theory and the Job Demands-Resources model this study addresses the following research questions: (1) are there mean differences in the perceived levels of particular job characteristics between employees from different age groups; and (2) to what extent does the relationship between job characteristics and work outcomes (i.e., job strain and work enjoyment) differ across age groups? Data were collected from a sample of 15,464 employees, of which 3,850 were younger than 35 (young group), 7,273 were between 36 and 45 (middle group), and 4,341 were older than 45 (old group). Significant age differences were found in the levels of job characteristics: Young employees are most positive about their relationships with their colleagues and direct supervisor, and report to have the lowest levels of workload; employees from the middle group report to have the highest levels of role conflict; employees from the oldest age group perceive to have the highest levels of autonomy, and perceive more than other employees to be confronted with hindering changes at work. In addition, the strength of the relationship between job characteristics and work outcomes differed across age groups, although differences were rather small. From this we conclude that HR management should focus on creating high-quality jobs for all employees, young and old.
Wanneer bevordert en wanneer hindert werkdruk het werkplekleren?
Authors: Joris Van Ruysseveldt & Marius van DijkeWhen does workload promote workplace learning opportunities, and when does workload hinder workplace learning opportunities?When does workload promote workplace learning opportunities, and when does workload hinder workplace learning opportunities?
Building on theoretical frameworks like the Job Demands Control model we tested whether the relationship between workload and employees’ experiences of opportunities for workplace learning is of an inverted u-shaped nature. Furthermore we researched whether autonomy moderates this relationship. We predicted that at moderate levels of autonomy rising workload was associated with increasing learning opportunities at low levels of workload, but with decreasing learning opportunities at high levels of workload. Also, we predicted that low autonomy prevents positive effects of moderate workload from materializing whereas high autonomy makes high workload less destructive to the learning process. We found support for these ideas in a large and heterogeneous sample of Flemish working adults (FWM, 2010). These results integrate conflicting prior findings and extend Karasek’s (1979) active learning hypothesis. They also have clear implications for job redesign practices aiming to promote workplace learning opportunities.
Kan het daderschap van pesterijen verklaard worden via het Job Demands-Resources model?
Authors: Elfi Baillien, Nele Sijmens & Hans De WitteCan workplace bullying be explained by the Job Demands-Resources model?Can workplace bullying be explained by the Job Demands-Resources model?
Workplace bullying leads to negative consequences and should be prevented. Studies investigating antecedents of bullying showed however two shortcomings. First, they mainly focused on targets, so little is known about perpetrators. Second, they rarely used theoretical frameworks to structure the antecedents. Therefore, this study aims to apply the Job Demands-Resources (JDR) model to being a perpetrator of bullying. We hypothesized that job demands related positively and job resources related negatively to being a perpetrator of bullying. We assumed an interaction effect between demands and resources and expected exhaustion to mediate the relationship between demands, resources and being a perpetrator. The results (N = 706) showed a significant interaction: job resources buffered the positive relation between job demands and being a perpetrator. No evidence was found for the direct effects and for exhaustion as a mediator. In summary, the JDR model is a valuable framework to explain being a perpetrator of bullying: job demands and resources interact in the prediction of being a perpetrator. Future studies may focus on other mediators that could explain this relationship.
Hoe willen werknemers na hun pensioen blijven werken?
Authors: Tuğba Polat, P. Matthijs Bal & Paul G.W. JansenAfter-retirement work profiles: how do employees want to continue working after retirement?After-retirement work profiles: how do employees want to continue working after retirement?
This paper investigates employees’ preferences for working after their retirement age and the (personal and organizational) factors that are related to those preferences. The study was conducted among 474 employees of three elderly care organizations. The results demonstrated that there are four after retirement work-profiles, namely: a work-profile in which the employee prefers to (1) work less; (2) keep the existing work-profile more or less the same, (3) modify the content of their work, (4) change the work context. Further analyses demonstrated that with increasing age, preferences to change the content of the work or the context of the work decrease. Contrarily, employees with a higher education have the preference for a work-profile with modified work content and have higher preference to work in another work context after their retirement. Further, the results displayed that employees who experience an accommodative organizational climate want to modify their job tasks and prefer to work somewhere else. Contrastingly, employees that experience a development organizational climate and psychological contract fulfillment want to modify their work involvement as little as possible.
Het nut van de item respons theorie bij de constructie en evaluatie van niet-cognitieve instrumenten voor selectie en assessment binnen organisaties
Authors: Iris J.L. Egberink & Rob R. MeijerThe usefulness of item response theory for the construction and evaluation of noncognitive tests in personnel selection and assessmentThe usefulness of item response theory for the construction and evaluation of noncognitive tests in personnel selection and assessment
In this article we discuss the use of IRT for the development and application of noncognitive measures in personnel selection and career development. We introduce the basic principles of IRT and we discuss the usefulness of IRT to evaluate the quality of items and tests to assess the measurement precision of a candidate’s trait level, and to investigate item and test bias. Furthermore, we describe several applications of IRT, including computerized adaptive testing and the development of item banks in an automated testing system. Finally, a list of software programs is provided to stimulate the use of IRT models.
Reeks ‘Biologie in Organisaties’
Er is een groeiende interesse in biologische verklaringsmodellen voor gedrag in organisaties. Ook in Nederland vinden we deze interesse terug in recente populairwetenschappelijke boeken – zoals De natuurlijke leider door Mark van Vugt en Oerdriften op de werkvloer door Bram Buunk – die het belang van biologische mechanismen in de verklaring van organisatieprocessen en gedrag op de werkvloer onderstrepen. Voor deze reeks nodigen wij u uit om een manuscript bij Gedrag & Organisatie in te dienen waarin gebruik wordt gemaakt van biologische modellen en/of technieken om organisatieprocessen en gedrag in en rondom organisaties te beschrijven, verklaren en/of voorspellen.
Volumes & issues
Volume 37 (2024)
Volume 36 (2023)
Volume 35 (2022)
Volume 34 (2021)
Volume 33 (2020)
Volume 32 (2019)
Volume 31 (2018)
Volume 30 (2017)
Volume 29 (2016)
Volume 28 (2015)
Volume 27 (2014)
Volume 26 (2013)
Volume 25 (2012)
Volume 24 (2011)
Volume 23 (2010)
Volume 22 (2009)
Volume 21 (2008)
Volume 20 (2007)
Volume 19 (2006)
Volume 18 (2005)
Volume 17 (2004)
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