Volume 19, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 0921-5077
  • E-ISSN: 1875-7235


Self-efficacy: the Effect of JOBS, a Group Intervention for the Unemployed

Self-efficacy: the Effect of JOBS, a Group Intervention for the Unemployed

Veerle Brenninkmeijer, Arjan Van Houwelingen, Roland Blonk & Nico Van Yperen, Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 19, Juni 2006, nr. 2, pp. 97.

This study is about the JOBS training, a group training for the unemployed (Vinokur, Van Ryn, Gramlich & Price, 1991) by increasing individuals' self-efficacy. First, a theoretical comparison was made between Bandura's (1977a) four sources of self-efficacy and the components of the JOBS training. Subsequently, we tested the effect of JOBS on self-efficacy in a longitudinal study among 281 JOBS participants. JOBS indeed increased the self-efficacy at both the short and long term (after one and six months). The increase on the short term was stronger among women. The increase in self-efficacy was not related to the actual job finding, but the absolute level of self-efficacy was.


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