oa Heeft coping een invloed op (de relatie tussen) baanonzekerheid, welzijn en arbeidstevredenheid?
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 19, Issue 2, Jun 2006,
Does coping affect (the relationship between) job insecurity, well-being and job satisfaction?
Katrien Bohets & Hans De Witte, Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 19, Juni 2006, nr. 2, pp. 113.
The consequences of both quantitative and qualitative job insecurity on well-being and job satisfaction are analysed. Quantitative job insecurity refers to the continuity of the actual job, whereas qualitative job insecurity refers to the continuity of valued job characteristics. The association of both kinds of insecurity with emotion-focused coping (avoidance) is studied, as well as the moderating role of problem-focused coping in the relation between job insecurity, satisfaction and well-being. Data of 568 employees from 23 companies are used to test the hypotheses. The results show that both forms of job insecurity are associated with a decrease in well-being and job satisfaction, as expected. Job insecurity is also associated with an increase in avoidance behaviours (emotion-focused coping) and with a decrease in problem-focused coping behaviours. Problem-focused coping (and avoidance) do not moderate the relationship between job insecurity, satisfaction and well-being.