oa De relatie tussen identificatie, het ontstaan van groepsaffect en extra-rol gedrag
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 19, Issue 4, Dec 2006,
The relationship between identification, the formation of group affect and OCB
J. Tanghe, B. van Knippenberg & H. van der Flier Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 19, November 2006, nr. 4, pp. 368-386
During task performance in groups a collectively shared pattern of homogeneous affective states or group affect may develop among group members. We propose that identification, or the perception of belongingness to a group, is a key determinant in the formation of group affect and its influence on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Indeed, high identifiers have been shown to be more attentive to other group members' attitudes, behaviors, and feelings. As a consequence, they will be more open to the influence of their fellow group members, and thus also to their affective influence. As an illustration we present the results of a scenario experiment that clearly support our line of thought. The discussion focuses on how these findings may be of use to the functioning of groups and teams in organizations.