oa Emoties en distributieve rechtvaardigheid in organisaties: De rol van coördinatieregels
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 19, Issue 4, Dec 2006,
Emotions and distributive justice in organizations: The role of coordination rules
J. Stouten, Gedrag & Organisatie, Volume 19, November 2006, nr. 4, pp. 387-402
Distributive justice is an important factor in the emergence of emotional reactions in organizations. The present paper argues that two distributive coordination rules (the equality and proportionality rule) are especially related to people's emotions in situations in which there is a conflict between the individual and collective interests. If these coordination rules (or the conditions that give rise to these rules) are violated people react with negative emotions because important values are broken. In addition, it is shown that these emotional reactions induce retributive reactions, such as excluding or punishing the person who is responsible. A better understanding of these distributive coordination rules is needed in order to create a more complete picture of the influence of emotional reactions on behavior in organizations.