oa Kijk naar jezelf! Reflectie op beeldmateriaal in onderzoek en praktijk
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: KWALON, Volume 23, Issue 2, Jun 2018,
Look at yourself! A reflection on images in research and in practice
Social workers play an important role in helping multiproblem families to deal with multiple, interrelated and often intergenerational problems. Social workers indicate that effective collaboration – with clients, their family members and other professionals – is crucial. Defective collaboration can have major consequences for effective support. In this study, six social workers were followed intensively in their collaborative relationships with families, families’ social network and other professionals providing services to these families. Video recordings and stimulated recall interviews were used to explore the behavioral indicators of this collaboration. The value of the method for research and practice is described.
© by the author
multiproblem families;
social worker;
stimulated recall interviews;