Volume 24, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1385-1535
  • E-ISSN: 1875-7324


Trying to gain access to an isolated rural Aboriginal community in Western Australia

This article describes my enterprise to collect data about health literacy among an isolated rural Aboriginal community in Western Australia. The aim of the research was to find out whether an adapted survey about health literacy for less developed and lower income countries could be used to collect data on this issue among a rural isolated Aboriginal community. I was confronted with three challenges into gaining access to this community. In the first place, I had never been to Australia, secondly I am not from Aboriginal descent and thirdly, the community was isolated geographically. In this article, I describe my ways of gaining access to persons from this isolated community, which included working in the canteen of the community school and preparing weekly a healthy snack for the school children, working in the local allotments which offer subsidized jobs to persons without work, and visiting local organizations. In this way, I was finally able to speak with about 18 persons, half of them being from Aboriginal descent, about issues related to health literacy.


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