oa Is de filosofie te links?
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte, Volume 109, Issue 1, Jan 2017, p. 105 - 122
Is Philosophy too Left-wing?
Ideological diversity has been on the research agenda in the social sciences for a couple of years. Yet in philosophy, the topic has not attracted much interest. This article tries to start filling this gap. We discuss a number of possible causes for the underrepresentation of right-wing and conservative philosophers in the academic profession. We also argue why this should be an important concern, not only morally, but also and primarily epistemically. Lastly, we explore whether the situation in philosophy is more problematic than the situation in other fields, and what kind of ideological diversity would be desirable for academic philosophy.
© 2017 Amsterdam University Press