oa Sophie de Grouchy, de traditie(s) van de twee vrijheden en de missende moeder(s) van het liberalisme1
Eric Schliesser, ingekort en vertaald uit het Engels door Anna de Bruyckere
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte, Volume 109, Issue 1, Jan 2017, p. 7 - 23
Sophie de Grouchy: The Tradition(s) of Two Liberties and the Missing Mother(s) of Liberalism
In this paper, I treat Sophie de Grouchy as an important contributor to liberal reflection on the famous distinction between two kinds of liberty. I place her in the intellectual context of Adam Smith and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and show it is likely that Benjamin Constant was familiar with her work. Along the way, by engaging with Isaiah Berlin and with Jason Stanley and Vesla Weaver, I make some suggestions on the nature of an intellectual tradition worth having.
© 2017 Amsterdam University Press