oa Nietzsches tover
Over ‘God is dood’ en het nieuwe leven1
- Amsterdam University Press
- Source: Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte, Volume 113, Issue 4, Dec 2021, p. 515 - 531
- 01 Jan 2022
Enchanting Nietzsche: On ‘god is dead’ and new life
For a long time, Nietzsche was considered by his contemporaries primarily as a literary man. In philosophy and theology, the death of God nevertheless found resonance in the secularization debate. In this article I take a different path and will introduce a similar autopsy in the dis-re-enchantment debate. To this end, I revert mainly to the literary metaphors in Nietzsche’s work, of course without ignoring its philosophical (and theological) value. First, I retranslate some echoes of Nietzsche’s word from the secularization debate into the disenchantment debate. Here I note that this retranslation requires a shift from cultural to personal history. This provides me with two new, unexpected echoes of Nietzsche’s word. It also places radical questions on the current disenchantment debate.